Current problems of students can only be solved through developing new approaches in teaching learning activities. Refining understanding through discussion and explanation can be an approach to learning. Additionally, giving assignment cannot significantly guarantee that goal will be easily achieved. Therefore, here we blend education with modern technologies and foster students to develop their own voice and perspectives. Projector base learning, group work, presentation, field visit, research work, open book test, guest lecture, meditation, proper counselling, and student’s publications are few of all approaches which we practice.
Group Work
‘More hands make for lighter work’, ‘Two heads are better than one’, ‘The more the merrier’ are some of the potential of group work. It allows students to be more productive, creative and motivated. We embolden students to gear complex task and elaborate stronger communication skill through group work. Establishment of shared identity can be another benefit.
- Increase productivity
- Skill development
- Knowing more about yourself
Field Visits
HRIT as a law college is dedicated to advancing human dignity, social welfare, and justice through knowledge of law. Students are exposed to an enriching intellectual environment with frequent visit to Supreme Court, District courts, Court justice, Bar Association, legal institutions and through guest lectures from the exceptional faculty professionals. Our goal is for our graduates to possess the core competencies essential to embark on the practice of law.
In case of Hotel Management, students are equally provided enormous chance to visit reputed hotel inside country. The guest lecture from veteran professor, experts, professionals and package hotel training are part of our endeavours. in class of eleven, at least three reputed hotel visit is compulsory, while in class twelve the horizon of their academic talents extended through different extra activities like wine testing class, approaching cocktail, arranging carnivals, celebrating Hotel Management Day and so forth.
Student Publication
Students can foster their intrapersonal talents, intellect, and knowledge only if they are allowed to reflect their competence into performance. And publication can be one touch stone. Students at Hrit publish their terminal, half yearly, yearly magazine, journals, leaflet and pamphlets. To make publication more comfortable, we have Hrit Students Council, Hrit Club and Hrit Publisher Group.
Research Work
Advancing curriculum is not enough in enhancing intellectual environment and thus research work can be source of entertainment, interactive learning, extension of class room study, social interaction, and most importantly learning becomes fun for students. Research work truly requires planning and coordination for all teachers, parents, administration and finally for the students. It is often taken as a free day out of the class room and generates happiness in students. It adds additional information.
Coherence and confidants are two inseparable essential particulars of presentation. Developing presentation skill is essential for career since it helps self-esteem, area of expertise, and temperament to rise up. In Hrit, we frequently allow students to present their activities, in front of class, in programs, while handling mass, and immediately after their field visit of respective subjects. Presentation is a part of interactive learning. It manipulates or participates students directly ion ti actio
Counselling is an integral part of overall learning and it is specific process to motivate, and clarify the goals, potential and proper choices of pupils. Especially, pupils face challenges, dilemma and lack of identity during adolescences and thus counselling is unavoidable. We, here, in Hrit open students to express their worries, anxieties and personal problems which hinder them in learning process. And accordingly, through individual and group counselling, they are persuaded to perform best. Each type of students is under our surveillance. We know that individual during +2 education has plenty of problems, though they are unaware of them. Teaching in class room is not enough for overall progress of students. They need empathy, love, care and support, which we frequently provide through counselling.
Evaluating students is always a tough job for academicians. Thus, planning for evaluating students is an integral part of teaching learning activities. We usually do evaluation through techniques like tests, term papers, final exam, quizzes and finally what they achieve in black and white papers, in another word, on the basis of their concrete progress. Hrit examines students on the basis of capacity they inherit, performance, discipline, determination, problem handling capacity and positive attitude. Gradual development is major measure of evaluation and thus unique students uniquely and tremendously foster their competency in Hrit.